Thursday, 11 August 2011

Anything but boring

We've spent the last two days on the road and it's been anything but boring. We take our time and stop off every time we see a bear, a lake, a waterfall, a glacier, a loo......

We're on our way to Montana and have stopped off for a couple of days at Waterton Lakes National Park.

The drive here was glorious. We travelled through mountains, foothills and plains on Highway 40, which is called the Cowboy Trail. All kinds of weather: blue skies, grey skies, white fluffy clouds and heavy black ones, sunshine, rain, thunder, lightening and hail. We saw a bear, mountain goats, long-horned sheep, deer, bison and nodding donkeys. Pics on the right and here.

We spent time at the Bar-U Ranch, which by good fortune someone had mentioned at breakfast this morning, and recommended it. I've written about it down the side bar as it's worthy of a special mention.

As we drove into Waterton village, we saw a bear. It was just 10 yards away. You're told not to get out of the car, but you do. Desperate for a good photo. When he suddenly stood up and looked at us, I nearly dropped my camera but Steve got this shot.